Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Modular Credit Union Banking On Modular Solutions

Modular Credit Union Banking On Modular Solutions
When this local credit union needed a new corporate branch office they chose Modular Solutions and prefabricated construction.

Look at the results! 

Read more about this story on our website blog where we now host our industry articles  link

Watch this building being installed on our youtube channel, or subscribe to our channel to see all our videos and keep up with new information and project case studies. 

To find out more about how to construct your new financial institution or bank contact our team at or give us a call for a free estimate (800) 441-8577 x 1

Friday, December 8, 2017

Modular Church Design, A Great Space Solution

When choosing how to add to your existing church campus we know you have many choices.  With modular church construction you are able to blend in with any architectural style and make a statement to your  surrounding community.   READ MORE in our blog post

Contact us: 
Phone: (800) 441-8577 x 1 Sales

Friday, December 1, 2017

Modular Correctional Facilities

Modular Correctional Facilities

We are hosting this blog on our web site now.   To read this great article about modular correctional facilities catch this LINK

Constructing modular correctional facilities requires special security measures and our team can provide design-build solutions.

Contact our team with any questions for for a free proposal.

Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1 (Sales)

Friday, November 17, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving From Team Solutions

Happy Thanksgiving From Modular Solutions, Ltd

Greetings from everyone here at Modular Solutions, Ltd

We are thankful for our family, friends, blessing, and clients.  Remember those less fortunate for the holiday season.   

 Happy Thanksgiving 2017 from all of us at Modular Solutions, Ltd!

We can be contacted at:
Phone: (800) 441-8577 x 1 Sales

Monday, November 6, 2017

Modular Solutions Youtube Channel - Come & See

Lots of great videos on Modular Solutions, and design build modular construction

Want to learn more about modular construction - go to the source - our youtube channel has lots of great videos on design build and modular and prefabricated construction.

Watch More

To reach our team contact us at:

phone: (800) 441-8577 x 1

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

IT IS HERE, we launched our new website

For all of you who have been patiently waiting the unveiling of our new website, it is here!

same great location   just new content, pictures, videos, case studies, and MORE!

The blog will be hosted on the web site & you can still get great links here on this page!
Find the blog HERE

Please share with friends, family, and anyone who can benefit from a better way to build!

Contact us:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone:  (800) 441-8577 x 1 (Sales)

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ever Consider A Container For Your New Office Space?

Modular Solutions, Ltd has been manufacturing custom buildings for some time, and there has been an insurgence of requests lately to try and utilize containers from the overseas marketplace.   The modular industry has spent time and money on research of the safety and code compliance once you breach the integrity of a container and use the "bones" for another type of construction.

The modular building institute (MBI) has written an in-depth article on  what the "experts" say about the integrity and safety of re-use of storage containers for multi-family, permanent construction using multiple containers, and other uses. They also include suggestions for code requirements.

For a copy of the article please email this LINK with "container" in the subject line and we will forward the information, or you can also become a member of the MBI organization that supports all types of prefabricated construction.

We have provided re-use containers for judicial systems, and retail, and have looked at containers for multi-family housing projects.   In the end it is no less expensive than traditional construction methods, it is just another way to fulfill a space need.  There are lots of creative uses for this type of construction in the industry, the question is, is it right for your project.

For more information contact our team at Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone:  800-441-8577 x 1 (sales)

Thursday, August 31, 2017


This modular school campus project consists of 40 modular sections, and the magic is they are in place in less than a week!    WOW, a 40,000 sq. ft. school set in place in less than a week!

There are still some finishes that need completed, but the building sections will be weather tight and closed up before the winter storms hit.  All of the  modular sections were constructed off-site at our local factory, using local labor & materials and sub contractors.

For more information on school construction or Cooperative procurement visit with our N.C.A.R.B. certified preconstruction team.

contact our team for more information:

Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone:  800-441-8577 x 1 (sales)

Monday, August 28, 2017


A great article on Cold Formed Steel (CFS) construction.  Many agencies and the private sector are choosing  CFS, you need to decide if it is right for your project.

For years there has been a debate if steel or wood construction is a better alternative.  The only solid answer to that is discuss the pros and cons on your project to see what is a better fit.

In the world of modular and prefabrication where time serves as the driving monetary value, CFS makes sense on many projects.   With the ability to order customized special materials delivered straight to site, with no additional cutting or labor investment, you can save a substantial amount of time.  Another large benefit is the cradle to grave recycle factor.

Wood framing has many benefits including fire treated wood, commercially available product, LEED points for being locally sourced.

For more information on what is the best option for your project contact our team

Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

Mobilize our factory in "anytown" USA

Modular Solutions, Ltd recently took our factory "on-the-road".  We brought our technology and experience using prefabricated construction, and mobilized near the site.  By hiring local crews, and team members we generated jobs within the local economy, and did not have the huge shipping costs frequently associated with prefabricated construction.

This approach was well received by the local tribe and agency and a 45,000 sq. ft. school will be completed by the end of the year.

READ MORE   in this local article about the new high school for Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig

When completed this will be the end result

For more information contact our team:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Modular Building installation, Watch this cool video of a crane set installation in one day

Modular Bank Building Set In One Day

Watch this video showing how to install a modular building with a crane onto a permanent foundation.

for more information contact our team:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1 (Sales)
you tube channel:  YOU TUBE

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

May 2017 Federal Newsletter

Modular Solutions, Ltd May 2017 Newsletter

Come take a look at our May newsletter - this one went to our federal agency subscribers.

If you want to subscribe we have text to join or just shoot a quick email "subscribe"

We would love to keep you updated of recent events & information.
For More Information Contact Us:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1 (sales)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Look For Us On Our Web Site

Exciting News!   
We are getting ready to launch our updated website.  One of the great changes are that you will be able to find our insightful modular building articles on the web page now.    You will be able to search for interesting case studies and educational updates within our website by keyword searches.

So if you want to learn about steel vs. wood construction, or if you want to see what type of windows you should use, or if you want to look at siding & finish options, or what  LEED options are available, or any other FAQ's we have asked and answered through this blog site, you will be able to search both here & there!

our website is located at

The "OLD" site is still up for just a little bit longer,  but keep your eyes open for our exciting new launch!

If you want to reach our team:

Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1 Sales

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

What? An All Steel Modular Building?

We recently visited a factory on the east coast and they were completely perplexed at the thought of constructing a modular building out of steel.   With architects and developers expecting a 50+ year life cycle from their investment it is time for everyone to see there is a better way to build.

Modular Solutions, Ltd has a product line that has steel floor joists, steel roof rafters, can be set on a slab or the concrete can be poured in the plant and this facility will endure the test of time.

In locations where seismic and wind conditions are extreme this is the perfect solution.  We are seeing higher standards in the new IBC codes and this is an example of a great way to meet or exceed the energy code and structural requirements

For more information on all steel modular buildings contact our team:

Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1 (Sales)

Monday, March 6, 2017

Modular Building Windows, What Are My Choices

What Type Of Windows Can We Use In our Modular Building?

Commercial modular buildings are constructed to the IBC code, the same code as any traditional site contractor will use.   The goal is to design a building that allows natural light, but that also has energy efficiency built into the modular building design.

What to look for: The National Fenestration Rating Council offers five areas to consider when selecting windows for your new modular building.  
  1. U-Factor determines how well a window prevents heat from escaping. U-Factor ratings generally fall between 0.20 and 1.20 the lower number is best at keeping heat in. This is a great consideration for a modular church building.
  1. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) reflects how well a product will blocks heat from the sun. SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, a lower SHGC indicating a product that is better at blocking unwanted heat gain. This is important when constructing a modular hospital or clinical facility.
  2. Visible Transmittance (VT) indicates how much light comes through the window. VT is expressed as a number between 0 and 1 the higher the VT number the higher the potential for daylighting. This is important in modular  educational spaces.
  3. Air Leakage (AL) measures how much outside air comes into your new modular building. AL rates typically fall in a range between 0.1 and 0.3 the lower AL  is better at keeping air out.  This should be considered in modular hospitality projects.
  4. Condensation Resistance (CR) measures how well a window resists the formation of condensation. CR will show a number between 1 and 100 with a higher CR indicating a product better able to resist condensation. Federal modular building projects often look at this consideration
  5. Low E Windows will cost about 10% or 15% more than standard windows, but will supposedly reduce energy loss by as much as 50%.

  6.  The federal government has a program designed to show consumers energy efficiency.   Windows are one of the products that get registered.   Look for your energy star sticker to tell you more about the window & how good the energy savings will be.

  7. There are also lots of options for coatings, screens, shutters, frame materials, and opening operation.   

  8. For more information contact our design team & we can help you make informed decisions on the best value for your new modular building.

  9. Modular Solutions, Ltd
  10. Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1 (Sales)
  11. Email:
  12. website:
  13. facebook:
  14. You Tube:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Modular Solutions Case Study, Lake Havasu City

Modular Solutions Case Study, Lake Havasu City
Watch this modular building case study video of a project from parking lot to occupied in 75 days
Lake Havasu Modular Building Case Study

Friday, January 27, 2017

Education Design-An Interactive Approach

New School Designs Allow For Open Collaborative Spaces

Education like any industry evolves and must adapt the teaching and learning environment based on the current generation and how they learn.

Old modular building designs used to include 700-900 Sq. Ft. per classroom, with or without restrooms, and every teacher and each classroom were self contained learning pods.   While this method still works in some instances, new data has shown that children thrive in a more collaborative learning environment.

This does not mean that the traditional teach in the front with 30 desks is not still a viable approach, but there are more creative designs that allow children to learn from each other and to strengthen their team work skills.

Modern classroom designs include smart walls, moveable walls, high ceilings, large open study rooms with comfortable furniture and lots of natural light.  There are also lots of stations for hands on learning that foster critical thinking skills and solutions development.

Experts say that to build the next generations' critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities, being able to communicate in a comfortable and open learning environment may be a key to their success. 

This method of design may not be your traditional modular building construction, but there are other methods of prefabrication that can easily accomplish this method of school construction.   MPANELS © are a great way to get high ceilings, large open spans, natural lighting, and moveable wall systems.

To learn more about MPANELS © and design-build school construction contact our team:

Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1 (sales)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year Exciting New Changes

New Web Improvements Coming In 2017

Looking forward to getting our website updates up and running in 2017.  This will bring a new platform for the blog.   The blog will be hosted on our website.   You will still be able to find great archive articles on this blog, but our new content will be posted on the web page.  We will post a link here so you cans also still search for new articles and content.

Looking back here are a few of my favorite tips & articles available in this blog:

Modular Buildings In Snow Country

Modular Foundation Options

Employee Work Force Housing

Unique Modular Building Uses

What Shape Can My Modular Church Be

For more information contact our team at:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Call:  (800) 441-8577 x 1 (Sales)