Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Modular Solutions On The Beach

Most people think of cute little cottages by the beach for ocean front property. This is one way to build, but why not consider a permanent modular building. The great thing it can set up above the ground on high & dry land, it can have cute cottage finishes or extravagant design if you have the budget, and modular construction is recognized by architects and developers as a very great alternative to "site-built".
Modular construction can offer a savings on cost (depending on the design criteria), but the main advantage is that you can occupy your beachfront property in 60 - 90 days from approved plans. A modular home is constructed to meet or EXCEED local building codes and can be built with a 50+ year life cycle.

there is no need to wait and pay huge engineering fees for a custom home when you can get a great modular home that includes the design and architectural fees. This link is an article on homes READ MORE, from a local building site, about modular beach homes.

For more information contact:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Mailing Address: P O Box 15507-Phoenix, AZ 85060
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Monday, April 28, 2014

The Golf Pros & Developers Choose Modular Solutions

Places like Arizona, and Florida, and other states have many beautiful golf courses. The great things about golfing are the beautiful views, the personal growth and competition, and of course heading back to the pro-shop after the round for a little wind down time.
Golf courses choose Modular building construction so they can grow & expand as the course gains recognition. By designing a modular building that is "ready" for future phases developers can make phased construction additions as the development sells more homes or as a private course becomes more well known.

Most courses have modular buildings that are permanent or semi-permanent with great looking final finishes. The developers and architects want to have a feeling that blends in with the community. Some other uses for modular buildings on golf courses have included the restaurant, restroom/locker rooms, practice range shelters, maintenance facilities, hotel/casino, sports training facilities. When used in combination developers can take advantage of a great looking theme and have a continuous flow on a footprint.

As a developer time=money. By opening doors sooner and getting revenues in the door a modular building makes perfect sense. If you would like more information contact our team at:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Mailing address: P O Box 15507-Phoenix, AZ 85060
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Friday, April 25, 2014

How Can I Make My Mobile Office Safer (5) Tips

Sometimes when a mobile office is used in a rural area or even in the city in a high crime area your contents can be vulnerable. If you are using a mobile office as a temporary space solution the mobile office will be constructed out of "industry-standard" common cost effective materials. This means that the doors are basic entry level, the windows are simple glass. If you find you want to have a secured mobile office here are a few tips you can use to upgrade the safety and security in your mobile office. One reason for considering any of these options is that not only will your site be safer, but you might get a break on your insurance costs.
1. Add Latch guards over the striker plate, Latch guards discourage entry into your mobile office with a crow bar.
2. Add security bars over the windows. Security bars can have a safety latch so if there were a fire you can use the windows as an egress still. Window bars can be decorative and ornamental or just functional. They even make one with a screen to help prevent someone throwing a rock through the window and breaking the glass. If there is a little more budget you can even consider a rolling shutter that locks down tight at night.
3. If you are ordering a NEW mobile office customized consider upgrading the exterior doors to a "heavier" gauge steel, and better quality lock sets.
4. If you have a storefront door, consider a customized iron gate that can be left open during the day, & locked up at night.
5. Install a security system. Many companies out there are offering FREE installation if you use their monitoring system.

For more tips on how to have a safer mobile office contact our team at
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Mailing Address: P O Box 15507-Phoenix, AZ 85060
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Should I Upgrade to 2x6 Walls Or Is 2x4 Sufficient

Sometimes the choices you make in the structural design of your modular building impact your long term life cycle planning an goals. We are often asked is it worth upgrading from a 2x4 exterior wall to a 2x6 exterior wall system. Many states have adopted the energy code. This means that there are certain energy efficient guidelines that have to be met such as insulation values. When a local or state agency adopts the energy code you don't really have a choice. You need to construct your building with 2x6 wall framing. What are the benefits?
1. Getting a better insulation value
2. Getting a longer life cycle & building value
3. Lower operational costs & monthly maintenance bills
4. Better resale value if you want to sell after a time
5. Better structural integrity in your structure
While many companies still have an "inventory" of 2x4 constructed modular buildings, maybe you should consider looking for a used modular building with 2x6 walls, or even invest in a new building where you can specify 2x6 wall construction.

A modular building can be one of the most expensive capital purchases an organization or municipality can purchase, and from all the feedback we hear it is a worthwhile choice to upgrade.

For more information contact our team at
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Mailing : P O Box 15507-Phoenix, AZ 85060
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Is A Container The Same As A Modular Buiding?

With the world looking a a greener way to build and reduce, recycle, reuse in daily vocabulary- we are frequently asked can we just use a container and build the modular building this way. There are some great projects that are using or "re-using" shipping containers for building construction with great results. There are some major differences that should be looked at for the total picture.

1. Modular buildings can meet the energy code for continuous insulation and higher insulation values. Containers have a hard time achieving these levels.
2. Modular buildings can be customize in any shape (hogans, staggered lengths, various NON POSTING OPEN SPANS, containers have to work with the 8' wide sections structurally
3. Modular buildings are designed around a "pre-approved" set of structural calculations in most states. This can expedite the approval process. Containers typically require job-to-job design & engineering.
4. Modular buildings are inexpensive to attach versatile final finishes. Sometimes containers require additional costs for finishes such as brick or lap.

In the end you can evaluate what is the best benefit for your company or organization and your carbon footprint decisions.

Modular Solutions, ltd can offer you design & construction on both types of construction. For more details contact our team:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Mailing: P O Box 15507 - Phoenix, AZ 85060
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Does manufacturing "lean" mean cutting quality corners?

Any type of industry that manufactures a product will look for ways to manufacture "LEAN", to help clients get the best value out of a building. There is a fine line between "lean" manufacturing and quality sacrifice. Some tips to look for to ensure you are getting your best value:
1. Machine cutting & framing vs. hand tools and framing. Typically using a machine increases productivity, while not impacting negatively on quality. There is a substantial investment in machines that cut & tool and frame, so this is why many modular plants still use human labor. Using human labor also creates jobs and keeps jobs in the economy.
2. Various lumber grades: Using a lesser grade of lumber such as SYP, can sometimes help the cost of a modular building but many clients find this is a quality impact also.
3. Assembly line vs. open assembly fabrication. Streamlined process are expedited when there are tables for jig building and component building. This helps keep the assembly line moving forward quickly which equates to bottom line quality and cost savings for clients.
4. Bulk purchasing vs. project by project- This item can impact quality if the "bulk" purchase is a lesser quality product. If you want a specific brand or quality of product you always have the right as a client to specify "trane brand" mechanical or "international brand" windows. Sometimes bulk saves money, but often you can see a quality difference. Research and communication of expectations is the best way to identify this performance standard to your factory

For more information on lean manufacturing practices or best value contact our team at Modular Solutions, ltd
Mailing: P O Box 15507- Phoenix, AZ 85060
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Modular Building Safety Tips, Six Easy Modular Solutions

Modular buildings are just like traditional buildings and have items that you should watch out for to ensure your staff and team and the modular building occupants are safe while occupying the modular building. We have a few simple tips to look for that will help you keep a safe & healthy working environment.

1. Mini blind inspections. Look for rough edges, broken wands, string hung in dangerous manner. Keep employees free from cuts, rope burns, or if children occupy strangulation.
2. Check the water drains in the sinks. Make sure no leaking on the floor, avoid slips and accidental damages
3. Check your hot water temperature. Make sure employees don't accidentally get too hot water and get burns
4. inspect flooring. Worn flooring loose treads trip hazard, worn threads can catch heels, worn edges can trip an employee.
5. Inspect your outlets at least once a year. Make sure they are all functioning and working well (avoid possible shock hazards)
6. If you have an ADA ramp to enter into the modular building, check the treads & stairs & handrails. Make a physical inspection for lose nails, splinters, steel exposed edges, rust, anything that might be a hazard to your employees should be taken care of.

Modular Solutions, Ltd has one of the LOWEST (BEST) EMR ratings for safety because every team member knows a safe working environment is a productive working environment.

If you would like more information on designing modular solutions, for a safer modular building contact our team:
Modular Solutions Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Six Spring Maintenance Tips For Your Modular Building

When spring rolls around people start to think about what to clean, what to store, what to throw away, and also modular building maintenance. Our team gets lots of questions about maintenance cycles on modular buildings. Here are six tips of FAQ's on modular building maintenance for the spring season.

1. Fresh coat of paint. If your building is has wood or cement siding it may be time for a caulk & paint job. This keeps your building trims from buckling and value and curb appeal to your modular building.
2. Check all your window and door seals. As you switch from heating to air conditioning mode you don't want to spend any extra money on air escaping from your building. Keep all your seal tight and test them for function. If they stick or of they are worn replace them.
3. Get a maintenance test on your mechanical unit before you switch to A/C mode. This test will help avoid burnouts or excessive utility bills due to mechanical units not functioning well
4. Change your A/c filters & put a reminder schedule on the wall. Each month, same time (ie 3rd Monday of each month) change those filters and extend the life cycle of your modular building mechanical units.
5. Clean all the floor covering. Doing an extensive clean of your tiles/carpet/linoleum will brighten the appearance of your modular building, and keep it fresh and new. This should also extend the life cycle of your floor covering.
6. Do a walk about. Look around for any maintenance items that are obvious (like shingles that may have blown off in a winter storm, or window trim that broke off, or cracks in the drywall) and fix them. Most modular buildings that look older than they are look that way because of lack of simple maintenance items. A small problem can turn into a large one if you don't take timely action.

For more tips or information contact our team at Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Six Tips For Finding A Great Used Modular Building

Have you ever heard that saying, sometimes a "free" or "great" deal is too good to be true? Well in the used modular building industry sometimes you need to be aware of cost items that are sometimes hidden. If you find a building at an auction, or a government liquidation sale, or ebay on line, or in the newspaper sometimes that "GREAT" deal can really end up costing you. If you are aware of what to look for you can find a really great deal that is win/win. Meaning, the used modular building will meet all the codes and requirements for use.
Here are six great tips to look for in a used modular building purchase:
1. Are all the back taxes paid? Sometimes a used modular building is setting because there are huge back taxes due & the used modular building can not be moved or relocated until those are paid.
2. What is your roof snow load? When you live in a state that has desert & snow (like Arizona) you have snow loads from 20# to 80# roof load requirements. If you live in a snow area, and purchase a used modular built for the desert or with a 20# load, it can not be used or will be VERY expensive to re-roof the entire structure to meet current load requirements.
3. Does the building have approval tags? Most jurisdictions have a manufactured housing department (for commercial and residential). Used modular buildings will commonly require some sort of tag or drawings to prove the building was constructed to be used in that area. Verify, because it can be very expensive to reconstruct or redesign to current codes.
4. Does the modular building have unexposed termite or water damage? Sometimes when used modular buildings set in a lot exposed to the elements there are damages that you do not see on an initial inspection. Make sure you take a second look at the floor joist system and see if it will make it to the new location or is it rotted through.
5. Are you buying from a reputable resource. Buying on line, or at an auction sometimes you are buying someone elses headache. If you don't know bring a consultant along and pay them to help you decide if the used modular building is a viable option.
6. Is the seller including dismantle? When you look at an auction sometimes the used modular building is setting in place & the terms and conditions state you are responsible for removing. We have been on sites where the removal fees were equal to half of what a new modular building cost. Things like fencing in the way, trees that can not be removed, digging out asphalt or concrete, disconnecting utilities, capping off utilities & fire lines, demolition & removal of foundation system, backfill of existing site, AND SO ON. Before you place a bid on an "as-is" situation make sure you have had a professional look at the site & see what it will take to get the modular building removed. If there is a high fee for this due to existing site conditions there may be a better value for you out there.

Modular Solutions, Ltd has used modular buildings in inventory. Our modular buildings are available at a cost savings, and we are a reputable licensed, bonded, insured contractor & manufacturer. If you want us to help with consultations on a relocation or purchase of equipment we can do so. If you want to purchase a "worry-free" used modular building, we are your team!

To reach your Modular Solutions, Ltd representative:
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Modular Buildings Going Off Grid

Are you in a place that does not have access to power or it would be cost prohibitive to bring in power from the nearest source? Well there is a modular solution for you!
Modular buildings can be placed "off-grid" and use alternative methods of power.
What types of power are available and have been developed?
* Geothermal
* Solar
* Wind
By using existing technology and incorporating it into your modular building you can have a net zero modular building project. The technology has been in existence for a long time, it was just not cost effective to implement. Now with the cost of solar panels coming down, and innovative developments in alternative energy going "off-grid" is more affordable.

For more details contact our preconstruction team at Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

CES, A Procurement Partner for Modular Buildings

In the State of New Mexico there is a great opportunity for local and state agencies and school districts to save time & money. CES of New Mexico has a commodity contract for portable buildings. Modular Solutions, Ltd has been a proud procurement for this contract for the last five years. Modular buildings or portable buildings are easy to relocate and can help with long term or short term space planning goals. CES also has has a JOC contract for all general contracting & site work. This enables a turnkey approach to facilitating the modular building and all site work. Modular Solutions, Ltd is also a procurement partner for the JOC contract.

For more information about CES visit their website at There are huge benefits in time and $'s savings by choosing to use a CES procurement partner.

Let us show you the value available by choosing to procure using a CES procurement partner. Modular Solutions, Ltd holds a contract for the modular buildings, and for the JOC general contracting services. Our team is able to help you develop the best value & best space solution for your current and future space goals.

Modular Building Contract #:2010 001 MSO, 155-017 & 155-018
JOC Contract #: 213-026 912200 & 912 300 MOS

For more information on the CES contract contact:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Monday, April 7, 2014

Modular Restaurants, A Great Opportunity For Franchise Chains

Planning on opening a new franchise restaurant? Need space quickly? Many restaurant chains are choosing modular construction so that they can open their doors and start producing revenues in 90 days or less. As an option, permanent modular construction allows new franchises to follow the construction criteria and specifications, with the added benefit of opening their doors sooner and creating bottom line profits sooner! Modular construction is also great if you are planning a custom one of a kind restaurant. You are able to work with the pre-construction team at Modular Solutions, Ltd and create the perfect ambiance for your genre.

One of the keys to a great restaurant or food service franchise is the back kitchen. Make sure you have all the proper equipment to cook, bake, store, refrigerate, freeze, clean, etc and the customers will return again and again.

Tips for kitchen design:
1. Allow for sufficient flow and working space based on your food preparation methods
2. Walk through health dept guidelines for separation of areas, and identify proper sinks & hand washing stations
3. Incorporate washable surfaces, & commercial grade everything. This facilitates ease of cleaning & less hours for staff at shift end
4. Sufficient storage space, ensure you have enough (can you ever have enough?)
5. Incorporate electronic pay stations and modern technology if your budget allows, really enhances business traffic

If you have a franchise opportunity and would like to consider a modular solution contact our preconstruction team at
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Reading Modular Blueprints, Fun Tips

When looking at a set of plans they can sometimes be overwhelming. Most customers without a construction background look for the layout and assume the manufacturer will take care of everything else. Here are a few tips to look at when reading your E. (electrical) P. (plumbing) S. (Structural) and F. (Fire) M. (Mechanical). In some instances, when a modular vendor is only selling you a modular building they don't take the time to review this information, which if not addressed properly can cause long site delays or cost additional money to change out later.

1. Electrical pages have a triangle symbol for communication- make sure you have sufficient conduit & boxes for future growth or if you want to change an office location around.
2. Electrical pages have a calculation page of total amps required to operate the building, share this with the site electrician to make sure the phase of power (single or three) is correct and that you will have sufficient power on site.
3. Plumbing material can be pex or copper material, what will the local jurisdiction accept.
4. Plumbing fixtures are counted, and show a minimum size required to accommodate connections on site, make sure your site contractor knows this information.
5. Plumbing manifolds (the pipe that connects all the plumbing fixtures to one single source) is usually shipped loose for the site contractor to install unless otherwise agreed, make sure this is discussed as to scope and responsibility
6. Structural framing should be as agreed in the proposal (ie if you paid 2 x 6 walls, & R-19 insulation make sure this is included)
7. If you are in a heavy snow load this is a good time to verify that your print show the proper snow load in the structural roof load calculations
8. Fire is generally checked by the local jurisdiction so make sure to forward these pages to the fire marshall or local jurisdiction for approval and inspection
9. Fire lines have to be sized for on site connection- make sure you have sufficient water supply to support the fire design. Share with the site contractor to verify size.
10. Mechanical units can be on the roof, on the ground, hung on the wall, make sure your supply register drops are where you want them to keep each area cool.

As you can see, there are multiple coordination efforts that have to be addressed when you are overseeing your project. If the aspect of all this review does not seem like something you want to oversee choose a modular company that provides design-build turnkey projects. Modular Solutions, Ltd is an architectural and preconstruction firm, a general contracting firm, and manufactures the modular buildings. When you choose our streamlined construction team you don't have to worry about any of the details. We take care of the design, the use and occupancy special construction, the permits, the site work, and everything required to install your new modular building. For more information contact our team.

Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Reading & Understanding Modular Blue Prints

Modular Buildings are constructed to meet state & local building code regulations. When a new modular building is being proposed the manufacturer has to comply with prespecified minimum guidelines, but the building can also exceed the requirements. The blueprint is a way to communicate to the building officials, the owners, and our manufacturing team how the building will be constructed and what codes it will meet.

In general FBB (Factory Built Buildings) comply with the IBC (International Building Code). There are several versions of the IBC Code based based on what a local jurisdiction has adopted (ie 2006, 2009, 2012). When you hire a professional manufacturing company they will always ensure your building is proposed to meet the state regulations.

LEGEND: The construction legend shows you the symbols or icons for each building component. By understanding the legend you will understand the building. A construction legend is like a map legend it helps you see what and where everything in your building is located.

Let us explore this topic for a few days and get acquainted with blueprints so that when you are ready to place an order for your new modular building with Modular Solutions, Ltd you will have a better understanding of what and how your new building will be constructed.

For more information contact our team at:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1


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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Is Modular Construction A Safer Work Site?

When it comes to modular "off-site" prefabricated construction as compared to traditional site built construction the answer according to OSHA and Dodge, and other reporting agencies the answer is USUALLY yes. In general our modular industry does an excellent job of completing a building 80-90% in the plant. This leaves very little to do on site when the building arrives and MUCH less chance for accidents or unsafe project sites.

That said, there are modular companies that are not as experienced in the site work aspects of a turnkey project, and have dangerous accidents or work related injuries. How do you know if the company you are hiring utilizes safe practices? Some tips for your review:

1. Check their EMR safety rating (if they don't have one or won't share, or don't know what that is- steer clear they may not be a good fit for a safety conscious organization.
2. Does the company have a designate site safety coordinator on their matrix and in reality. Site safety requires a team effort and an experienced leader.
3. Does the company have a safety pamphlet? If safety is important to you, ask for a copy to see what their practices are.
4. Does the company have regular safety training on site work hazards? Do they take the time to train new and existing employees how safety is every team members responsibility and that the organization should have a ZERO tolerance for safety infractions.
5. What is the scope of work on site? If there is minimal work on site, it might be worth looking a an unrated firm, however in our industry unsafe workers have seen accidents like being crushed under buildings by unsafe jack placement or lost fingers with power tools cutting skirting material. In the end it is critical to look at the big picture.
6. Do the employees undergo background checks for federal and school projects. This element is sometimes highly overlooked by owners, yet critical to a safe workplace for your employees.
7. Do the employees wear proper safety gear (ie goggles, gloves, vests, etc) OSHA has a list of equipment that should be worn by every employee and maintained by pride, free of defects.

At Modular Solutions, Ltd we have the highest of standards in the plant, and on site. Our team knows that if they want to stay on with Modular Solutions, Ltd they will practice and look for any unsafe work conditions and report them to the safety coordinator.

for more information contact us:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577

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