Friday, September 12, 2014

Do Modular Buildings Have Safe VOC Levels?

A fairly new acronym in the construction and green industry is Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) They are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary room temperature. Their high vapor pressure results from a low boiling point, which causes large numbers of molecules to evaporate or sublimate from the liquid or solid form of the compound and enter the surrounding air.

Where is VOC in a building?
VOC's usually come from things like paint, carpet glue, wall glue, cleaning solvents and other components within a building. VOCs can sometimes cause symptoms to those that are sensitive, including headaches and dizziness. The federal government has strictly regulated the levels that are considered allowable by each industry. For example, The federal government caps the VOC content in paint at 250 grams per liter (g/l) for flat finishes and 380 g/l for other finishes (low-luster, semigloss, etc.). This is the standard that many companies utilize. HOWEVER there are companies that have invested into developing NO VOC paints. You can find those in chain stores and on line.

How do we get low or no VOC?
VOC content is something that does not effect most of the population today because suppliers are making their formulas different to comply with federal guidelines, but you can specifically ask for a low or NO VOC content building and specify how and where you want that to occur. By doing your homework you can call out the brands and type of products you want in your modular building.
Look for the logos

What if we don't know what to choose?
By hiring a professional modular building company such as Modular Solutions, Ltd you can work with the design & preconstruction team to ensure you are getting an environmentally friendly and safe building.

For more information with VOCs and other environmental issues on modular buildings contact our team at:
Modular Solutions, Ltd
Phone: 800-441-8577 x 1

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